How to Measure Up and Order a Window Board

We’re frequently asked by customers about how to go about measuring up and ordering a window board. In this blog, we will explain your options and what to think about before making your order.

Window boards can either be cut flush with the window length or they could have overlapping horns. They almost always overhang at the front creating a ledge (and hiding any issues with plastering).

First, decide whether you want your window boards to be flush or have ‘horns’ as this will affect the final measurements of the window board. With this in mind, you can calculate the size of the final window board you need to order.

Begin by measuring the window board space which is going to be covered. You will need to find out the length and the width by using a tape measure (see image below).

how to measure up and order a window board

Tip: Don’t assume opposite sides of the window board need to be the same size. It is quite possible that the space beneath the window is not perfectly square, so be sure to measure all sides just in case!

measuring up and ordering a window board

Measuring the length for the window board

The overall length of the window board will be determined by the length of the window, plus the length of any horns depending on the style you opt for. There is no set rule to the length of the horns which puts the size of them down to personal preference. Usually, each of the horns is kept at the same size either end (unless there are obstructions on the wall such as corners). So, for example, you may add 50mm to each side which means a total of 100mm needs to be added to the overall board length before ordering.

When ordering window boards through Skirting 4 U, we offer 2400mm or 3000mm lengths which will need to be cut down to size on site.

Measuring the width for the window board

The width of the window board is simply the width of the space beneath the window, plus a given amount of ‘overhang’ for the front edge.

The amount of overhang to include in the width is really down to personal preference. Look at the existing window boards in the same room or rest of the house and replicate them for a consistent look throughout your home. Alternatively, a good rule of thumb is using the thickness of the board itself, so a window board depth of 30mm would mean 30mm of overhang. This measurement (30mm in this example) would need to be added to the overall width when ordering.

If you’re replacing an old window board you might come into issues such as glue build up at the back of the window ledge once the old window board has been removed. For this, we recommend adding a tongue rebate to allow the new board to easily slot over this. Adding a tongue to a window board simply means we will remove a specified amount of material from the underside of the window board at the back edge to ensure the window board will fit flush over any debris below the window.

For any further help with window boards please get in touch and talk to our team on 01922 451 689

Author Bio

This blog was written by who is a digital marketer employed by Skirting 4 U Ltd. He has worked at Skirting 4 U Ltd since March 2017 and gained knowledge of the production and fitting of skirting boards, architrave, window boards, dado rails, picture rails and plinth blocks.